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The Reasons Why Video Boxes Are Becoming More Popular

It’s no secret that exciting, alternative marketing techniques are gaining more traction and becoming increasingly popular. That includes the use of video brochures and video boxes. At Ideal Content, we are an innovative team that has developed several new ways to help your company get noticed. These are essentially traditional marketing items that have been upgraded for the 2020s, allowing your audience to access audio-visual content about your company or product that’s wrapped in a customized package. Here are some more reasons why this particular strategy is gaining popularity:

Low Risk, High Reward

Unlike other techy options for your marketing, video brochures provide minimal risk to your security. You won’t have to worry about requiring login information or accessing a server or website that can be hacked. You can display as little or as much as you would like in your video. Plus, you can put it into however many hands you would like. As previously stated, video mailer boxes also provide a relatively cost-effective method of getting your message out into the world, allowing for you to create multiple campaigns.

Stand Out in the Crowd

Being noticed among all of the white noise of modern advertising is arguably one of the most important aspects of branding. Our custom video mailer boxes certainly do make an impression everywhere they’re taken, regardless of industry. Your audience will love its eye-catching, unique design, and the “unboxing” element of it adds a unique, fun experience. If you’ve been looking for a novel way to get new eyes on your product and keep them there, this is certainly one way to do it.

Is Techy

No matter what industry you’re in, it’s important to keep on the cutting-edge with both your products and marketing. Most customers are no longer impressed with the same old product marketing materials. Having a techy piece of branding sends a message to your clients and customers that you are dedicated to your industry and proud of your company. It also signals that you and your product are moving with the times and not stuck in the past.

It’s Accessible

Unlike paper-based marketing options, the audio-visual element of video brochures and video box mailers allows you to incorporate a whole new level of acUnlike paper only or video only based marketing options, the audio-visual element of video brochures and video box mailers allows you to incorporate a whole new level of accessibility to your marketing. An entirely new audience of people who may be vision or hearing impaired, unable to flip through the pages of your pamphlet, or listen to your radio commercial are now able to obtain and enjoy your materials

Bring Your Marketing Content Into the 2020s With Video Boxes

Ready to make a change to improve your company’s branding? No matter your industry, our experts are here to help. We value consistency and communication in everything we do and will assist you through every aspect of the project. If you need any help with creative decisions or knowing what customizations will work best for you, our team will be happy to oblige. To receive a free quote, contact us at any time. We pride ourselves in being responsive, detailed, and thorough with every client, no matter the size or industry.